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Qieding Wetland Park
生態記錄 4
2021種子講師暨志工培訓成果發表-Part 2 Lecturer and Volunteer Training Results Announced.-Part 2
茄萣濕地 種子講師暨志工培訓成果發表 生態志工講求知性與實作同步 實力是靠一點一滴的累積 經過專業的培訓志工們已經可以登台侃侃而談 夙業有專攻 雖然每個人的專長不一 但卻有志一同 茄萣濕地是一塊福田,只要肯付出便有收穫 入寶山不會空手而歸 無私奉獻心自然美 比起付出自身更是受益良多 這一畝良田隨時等候有心人 學會分享是成果展現的迷人之處 茄萣濕地最美的人文---願意無私付出 Qieding Wetland Park. Lecturer and Volunteer Training Results Announced- Part 2. Ecological volunteers are both intellectual and practical training. Strength is based on the accumulation of long-term experience. They must be professionally trained. Volunteers can already talk on stage. Everyone has different expertise. Although everyone's expertise is different but have the same idea. The Qieding Wetland is a treasure, as long as you are willing to pay, you will gain. You won’t go home empty-handed when you enter. As long as you selflessly devote and your heart to natural beauty. It is more beneficial than paying for yourself. This acre of fertile land is always waiting for the caring people. Learning to share is the fascinating part of the results. The willingness to give selflessly is also the most beautiful humanity in the Qieding Wetland.
2021 Ecological Record of Winter Migratory Birds in Qieding Wetland Park. 《Aythya Fuligula》
Tufted Duck (Aythya Fuligula) inhabits Qieding Wetland Park, and the winter migratory period is from November to March each year. This bird species is mainly distributed in Eurasia and northern Africa. They are good at folding their wings for diving, and most of them feed on aquatic plants as their staple food. Some species also often dive for food, stick their heads into the water at the shallow water's edge, or plunge into the water with the tail up and feed on fish, shrimp, and shellfish. Foraging activities are mainly in the early morning and dusk. They usually rest on the shore, float on the open water to sleep during the daytime. The abundant natural Qieding Wetland provides a comfortable environment for the clustered and timid pochard ducks to spend the winter here. The male bird is characterized by a shiny purple luster, and the crown of the back of the head is prolonged and drooping. The whole body is covered in black and the abdomen is white, and the lower abdomen is slightly gray too. The females are characterized by dark brown, pale grayish brown to grayish-white on the belly, without obvious crests, and some white under tale or white spots on the base of the beak. The eyes are yellow, the beak is gray, and the tarsals and toes are gray. Due to the round body shape, the webbed position is behind the body and is not good at walking on land. But Tufted Duck which is not good at walking on the road can float on the water with slide over the water easily. Before takeoff, they will run up on the surface of the water to complete a continuous lift-off movement.
2021/11/12這群遠來的嬌客首次出現在茄萣濕地 當日數量一度高達24隻,引起鳥友高度關注 雖然後來只有10隻留下來,但至今仍停留在濕地沒有離開 寒林豆雁區別於同屬近似種的一大特徵是黑色的嘴 端部具有一個明亮的黃色色塊,遠遠看去有如口銜一枚黃豆,所謂「寒林豆雁」指的就是這個「豆子」。 攝影/王俊仁
2021茄萣濕地冬候鳥生態紀錄 鳳頭潛鴨「凌波微步」
鳳頭潛鴨於茄萣濕地棲息,度冬期為每年11月至3月。 這個鳥種主要分布於歐亞大陸及非洲北部。 牠們善於收攏翅膀潛水,多數種類以水生植物為主食。 有些種類也經常潛水取食,在水邊淺水處將頭伸入水, 或尾朝上扎入水中取食,以魚蝦貝殼類為食。 覓食活動主要在清晨和黃昏,白天多在岸上休息或飄浮在開闊的水面上睡覺。 天然豐沛的茄萣濕地給予群聚性強而且膽小機警的鳳頭潛鴨一個舒適的環境在此過冬。 雄鳥的特徵是紫色閃亮的光澤,頭後羽冠延長下垂。 全身覆蓋黑色而腹面是白色的,下腹略帶灰色。 雌鳥的特徵是黑褐色的,腹面淡灰褐色至灰白色,無明顯 羽冠,有些尾下覆羽白色或是嘴基有白斑。 眼睛呈黃色,喙鉛呈灰色,跗蹠及趾鉛為灰色。 由於體型圓,蹼位置偏身體後方,不善於陸地行走。 但是不擅於路面行走的鳳頭潛鴨可是會輕功水上飄- 凌波微步。 起飛前牠們會於水面上助跑,以此完成連貫的升空動作。
2021Migratory Birds Brushed Records in Qieding Wetland Anser fabalis
This group of guests from afar appeared in the Qieding Wetland for the first time on 2021/11/12 The number of these birds was as high as 24 on that day, which attracted great attention from bird lovers. Although only 10 birds remained here. But they still staying in the wetland and not leaving. The main feature of Anser fabalis that distinguishes it from similar species of the same genus is its black mouth. There is a bright yellow block at the end section, which looks like a soybean from a distance. The color of the iris is dark brown; the feet are orange.The barking is deeper like' hank' sound. In the Chinese language, we called it" cold forest bean geese" refers to the "bean". Anser fabalis middendorffii. Anser means wild goose in Latin, and fabalis means beans in Latin, combined Come to refer to "the wild goose eating pacman." They breed in most of Siberia, northern Europe, eastern Greenland, Iceland, and northern Northeast China. They almost pass through the entire Paleo-Northern Realm when migrating through the winter.
2021/10月 茄萣濕地生態紀錄 茄萣濕地的鼠尾栗草原 意外成為"水雉"保護區 Ecological Records of Qieding Wetland Sporobolus virginicus grassland Accidentally became a "Hydrophasianus chirurgus" protected area 照片提供/蘇承仕
每年的9-11月是茄萣濕地瘋"鵟"的歲月 今年10/9日才現蹤茄萣濕地,一次來三隻 讓鳥友們拍到手軟
茄萣濕地賞鳥屋前的翠鳥覓食秀--小蝦米吃大鯨魚 茄萣濕地賞鳥屋前的翠哥,剛從水裡捕捉到一隻比自己身形還大的吳郭魚,素有魚狗外號的翠鳥卻展現小蝦米吃大鯨魚的功夫,我甩、 我甩 、我甩甩甩,巧妙的將魚身從扁平甩到圓潤、再順口吞,而這樣的覓食秀正天天在茄萣濕地的賞鳥屋前上演,沖水時濺起滿身水花,因為身手敏捷、一閃即逝的視線被比喻為鳥界的藍色精靈,欣賞這樣的捉魚秀,在茄萣濕地天天都能肉眼可見。 經過整頓展現新活力,浚深過的護堤旁水道宛如一條蜿蜒小河,雨季過後河畔青青草木深,不少留鳥紛紛嬉戲遊玩於草原上,茄萣濕地不再只是候鳥度冬棲地,志工們利用地形進行棲地營造打造百鳥天堂,撿拾漂流木依鳥類習性佈鳥樁,有為猛禽設立的大樹樁以及沿水道四周佈立的短木樁,不到半年已陸續紀錄黑翅鳶、大捲尾、洋燕、褐頭鷦鶯、翠鳥等10餘種鳥類輪流站樁成果豐碩,茄萣濕地潛藏的實力與魅力將逐步開演。 The kingfisher in front of the bird-watching house in the Qieding Wetland just caught a Wu Guo fish larger than its own body from the water. The kingfisher, known as the fish dog, showed the skill of small shrimps eating big whales. , I shook, I shook, skillfully shook the fish body from flat to round, and then swallowed it smoothly, and this kind of foraging show was staged every day in front of the bird watching the house in the eggplant wetland, splashing with water when flushing, Because the agile and fleeting sight, is likened to the blue elves of the bird world, enjoying such a fish catching show can be seen with the naked eye every day in the wetland of eggplant. After reorganization and display of new vitality, the dredged berm next to the waterway is like a winding river. After the rainy season, the riverside is deep with green grass and trees. Many resident birds are playing and playing on the grassland. The eggplant wetland is no longer a winter habitat for migratory birds. Workers used the terrain to create habitats to create a bird paradise, pick up driftwood and arrange bird piles according to the habits of birds, including large tree stumps for raptors and short wooden piles erected around the waterway. In less than half a year, the black-winged kite, More than 10 species of birds, such as big capuchin, foreign swallow, brown-headed wren, and kingfisher, have achieved fruitful results, and the hidden strength and charm of the Qieding wetland will gradually unfold.
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